Sponsor Me
SCH Creative & Performing Art’s “Sponsor a child” program is geared to help those children who are interested in the arts but are less fortunate. Our sponsors would like to help youth participate in our programs without being concerned about financial hardships that may stand in the way.
Requirements to be sponsored:
250 word essay explaining why you want to join SCH CAPA and why we should sponsor you. If you are a returning student you must talk about what you’ve learned, how you have grown, and what you expect to learn going forward (Please send to schcapasponsorme@gmail.com)
Copy of your latest report card MANDATORY (Scan and send via email or mail to PO BOX 5744 Philadelphia, PA 19120)
Short Interview
Thank you letter sent to your sponsor mid semester of your experience.
*Please include your Name, Address, Telephone number, Age, Grade, School and the class you would like to attend in your essay letter.
Deadline to submit: Monday, October 27th, 2014
**Failure to complete all of the requirements will automatically disqualify you from sponsorship
All children who have been chosen for sponsorship will be contacted.